FAQ'S - English


Questions & Answers

You can leave your luggage at the hotel’s front desk or baggage claim desk both before check-in and after check-out. This service is convenient for guests who want to go sightseeing or deposit items before check-in time or after checking out.

Check-in and check-out times at Eva Village Dak Nong:
– Official check-in time starts from 14:00
– Standard check-out time is before 12:00 noon

Please note that check-in time may be delayed depending on the number of guests staying at the time. Eva Village tries to arrange rooms as soon as possible for guests, but check-in before 2:00 p.m. may not be guaranteed if Eva Village is crowded. For convenience, you can contact the hotel in advance to check room availability and request early check-in.

Parking is free for guests staying at Eva Village. Please park your vehicle as directed or contact Reception for assistance.

Eva Village currently does not provide motorbike/car rental services. However, please contact the Reception to help you book the vehicle you desire.

Quý khách vui lòng liên hệ Zalo OA: https://zalo.me/evavillage để được hỗ trợ.

Sure, you can book through Eva Village reception for assistance with menus and choosing a suitable open-air pavilion.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us!

(+84) 869 222 612